Sunday, March 14, 2010


Everyday starts with writing down a long list of things to do. At times, the list runs into pages. Apart from serving as a reminder of things to be accomplished in the day, it really is serving as more of a wah-wah list. You look at it, scribble on it in front of a lot of people, strike the ones that are done, write new ones through the day, while others pretend to be in awe of the amount of work you do. It is perfect way of prioritizing the day.

In a recent stint away from the laptop, I discovered that priorities of a workaholic are primarily out of sync with basic human emotions but in perfect sync with misplaced notions that one creates for a living...or for that matter earning a living.

More on this later, right now the clock is ticking and I need to go create my priority list for the day.


  1. You know I agree, right? :-D

  2. Yes I am finally blogging :)
    The beach and the beer got me started

    Watch out for more, I want to update this more regularly :)
